Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Media Forms

 Media Forms

What is media forms?

Media Forms is the way that media is created, produced, distributed, consumed and read.

Different types of media

Print Media

Print media is very traditional and what the older generation grew up with. Examples include: newspaper, magazines, books, comic books or graphic novels. But most of these are going out of business due to the development of new technology. Traditional books are now becoming e-books which are all electronic like the Amazon Kindle and the news are now accessible through the internet.


To begin with there were very little channels to choose from, on the television with most of them being in black and white. now there are hundreds and thousands of channels, series and movies to choose from, from the comfort of your own home. You no longer have to watch it when it's broadcasted you can now record it and watch it later whenever you want. Not only that but you can download and stream episodes from the internet.


Movies are the oldest form of motion pictures. Originally, you could only see a movie in your local movie theatre. But movies now are widely available due to the technology evolving. it started with DVD's being invented so that you could watch the film in your own home without going out, but now we have it all built into the televisions with companies developing apps that can carry and streams thousands of films. there are now major companies that have made millions in this industry like Disney.

1 comment:

  1. A really good start here to using blogger. Well done.


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