The masthead of the website is Cosmopolitan. This is synergy as the text is very recognisable with the font and it all being in capitals.
To the left you have 5 link pages which are quite low in number with them usually having 8-9 link pages. The lettering is still in black with thinner lettering but still in all capitals to the Masthead. But to the left hand side of the Masthead there is a drop down menu with plenty more options. I feel like this is a good way for the homepage to be clean and simple with everything else hidden away. So that they can have different link pages to keep it all separate and not put all together. There are 12 options on the drop menu with different subheadings to go with. They are again in black like the other lettering but its the same as the lettering on the front page, to match.
There is a subtle subscribe button to the right right of the Masthead creating a call to action.
Heavy use of graphics are used in the website creating synergy for the brand. Staring with the very thin pink line that's under the top banner to make it stand out from the rest of the boring colours. Then there's a wavy line under the main story headline in an orange colour to create a pop of colour. then there are 9 little lines in a semi circle in the same orange colour, above the caption.
The main story on this page is aimed at women, with it being a women magazine. It has a stereotypical picture of a women hoovering in her home. But does have a cultural context with it being Amazon. I also noticed that if you clicked on the image it would scroll down and take you to the full story with out going to have to look for it yourself. The heading says "did someone say prime day?" referring to another cultural context with Amazon Prime a next day delivery service. This is once again in a black front but this time in all lower case and in bold, to break it put a bit. Similar but different. "Leave your floor spotless" is a selling point for the hoovers that they are advertising for Amazon. Selling it even more with "glowing reviews".
I could use something like this in my own website as my front cover story is about travel. So with a bold box like this I could do my own version of destinations to go. that were included in my content page.
I really like this beauty section as I though the close up of this women is amazing with the lighting and the link to up to date accessories with the flame sunglasses. and the colour of her hair as its unusual to see models with different colour hair unless its for a hair dying brand. You've also go the links of colour with the gradient in the top left hand corner to the pink overall outfit to the purple colour on the bottle. I wished the close up shot of the women has a hint of the colours used in the others as it would have made it more cohesive. I also like the use of multiply images in one box. Its also used the wavy line again keeping it and repeating it again.
One again the wavy line ahs been used with the same black font. keeping it consistent throughout.
What I like about this section is that its targeted towards a younger audience with celeb gossip and shows to watch. There are more cultural references through the people and the shows.
This part is more political with the situation that has been happening in America with abortions. Making their stance and their views strong about what they feel. It will obviously be against it as it is a women's magazine.
This part is more political with the situation that has been happening in America with abortions. Making their stance and their views strong about what they feel. It will obviously be against it as it is a women's magazine.
This at the bottom is essential for a magazine as it has social media links, who produced it and other various information to do the the production and distribution of the magazine.
This needs to be included in mine.
An excellent post! You have some really good comments here on layout and content including cultural context. Well done. This research will certainly help you with the planning and production of your own website. Brilliant!