Thursday, 17 February 2022

Posters of Stranger Things


Season 1 

This poster gives us many clues about the season ahead.
Will and his mum look really worried in their facial expressions. It's like they've seen something disturbing and unpleasant. This created a sense of mystery.
Under his mum Nancy is holding a baseball bat, like she is using it to defend herself from something, this could be the same thing that Will's mum and brother are looking at. There could be violence.
Under Nancy is Jonathan, he has the same facial expression as his mum and brother. But he looks like he's seen something wrong that he's just taken a picture of.
There is a sense of authority with the sheriff to the right of the group. Who could be there to help, with the radio in his hand he could be calling for backup. but he doesn't have the same concerned facial expressions as everyone else.

The light shining from the bikes suggest that these characters play a significant role, with Eleven in the middle of the poster. This is suggested by the fact that the girl is much bigger compared to the character around her. Eleven also gives the sense of science fiction with the power pose she showing, like she's controlling something with her hand.
To the bottom left of the poster there is a hazmat suite, glowing which links to science, connecting to  the lab building behind. this gives us a sense of science fiction and a problem that may accrue with the lab due to the suite glowing. This also creates a sense of mystery.

This poster set the brand for Stranger Things. The uses of dark, blues and reds became iconic of Stranger things. The logo also became recognisable, giving of the sense of the neon lights, that were popular in the 80's, shing in a bright red. The alphabet, with the lights in the background was also used as a key connection to the show. all these thing were used everywhere to represent the show. Especially with the fandom that came with the character Eleven, everyone cosplayed her.

Season 3

This poster is more brighter having a lot more characters in the poster, but still gives of the sense of Eleven is still being the main character, with the same pose as the original, this could mean that she still has the power she had in the first season.
The sheriff, Will, Nancy, Johnathan and the mum are still in the poster but had been significantly shrunken down from the original. Johnathan has still got the same pose with his camera suggesting that the camera plays a key role throughout. Nancy is now holding a pad and pen becoming more mature in this season. the others still have the same facial expression as the first poster, but this time they look like they are running towards something.
We have more character like : Steve, Max, Robin, Suzie and Erica.
The plot has definitely thickened from the first season due to the new character but also from the fact that we now know about the monster that has been threatening them all. Taking up one third of the poster, making it a huge deal. This gives the season a sense of sciences fiction again. it also gives the sense of mystery as we don't know what the monsters intentions are.
includes in this poster is a lot of triangles from the sign to the characters to the monster at the bottom. The neon sign gives the poster that sense of 80's again (when it was set) keeping it on brand. it also gives a 3-D feel to it. the sign is still on the same colour scheme of blue and red.
In the background there is more going on then in the first season. The fireworks are the same colour scheme going off in the background, which are normally used for celebrations, meaning that there could be triumph in this season. 
More fun is seen in the bottom left hand corner of the poster depicting a fun fair. But this looks like this could be ruined due to the man infront with a gun in the air.

In the right hand corner there is another character, Billy. He could be trouble due to him being separate from the rest of the characters. I think that the rats are also linked to him as they are all crawling at the bottom towards him, with some even being dead on the ground. the lighting for the corner is different, in a lighter blue standing out more from the black background. this creates a sense of mystery.

Still Stranger things are keeping it on brand with there logo, with a slight twist. The lettering is more crisp and clear, it doesn't glow as much with a smaller font. to represent the third season there is a huge 3 behind the lettering still in bright red.

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