Thursday, 3 March 2022

Stranger Things fandom, merchandise and marketing

2017 Superbowl trailer season 2

Netflix decided to start the trailer of with a homage, creating authenticity for a newer audience but  nostalgia from the older audience. This is due to Eggos becoming more popular with them using them in the show.


 Immediately the advert changes gear with this blurred effect, recreating what Will goes through with the multi-verse. This creates the suspension of disbelief. It immediately brings it into the present day.

This is part of their synergy making a recognisable brand for the series. When you see red, neon graphics people know that it links to Stranger Things. The sign of the logo is the same for the first season but with the added addition of the 2 in the background people will be more excited. This creates more fandom as people want more and are expecting more from the show, this new content with the same feel as the first season.

Throughout the trailer many thing are presented upside down creating synergy through the trailer. Branding it as their own, linking it all to the upside down world in the series.

Netflix relies on shows like this to create more money and gain popularity to keep the streaming platform going.

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